The Life, Laughs, and Adventures of an Outdoor Therapy Counselor.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Little Bit on At-Risk Youth

They are kids. Simple as that. Society has a way of phrasing what these kids are in a way that is damaging to them, by calling them dysfunctional, delinquents, among other names I will not put into a blog. We need to change this. These "delinquents" or "dysfunctional" kids are nothing more than kids who have made poor decisions in their lives and mostly as a result of the poor decisions of their parents. Instead of calling them delinquents call them at-risk youth. Because that is what they are; they are at-risk for being put in jail or removed from their homes or at-risk for failing in a life where society as a whole has cast them aside and deemed them as failures.

In other news, training has ended and I begin work fully on Friday. I'm excited. I learned a lot while at training, more than what I was expecting too. The trainers were amazing and helped guide the group into a good spot before we all departed to go our separate ways. I miss the new friends I made, and the experience of the trainers. My dad's dad is home and resting. They got his heart stabilized. Off to bed.