There is an old saying that goes, "When one door closes, another shall be opened." In reality it's more like "When one door gets slammed in your face." Per my last post several weeks ago. B and I both lose our jobs due to state budget cuts. We were given three weeks in order find new jobs before camp closed. Well, B's last day was Friday the 15th. So we are now both officially unemployed. What we are going to do, I have no clue, as there are currently very few jobs in the field in which we came from that enable us to go home to our dogs every night. We've narrowed down our job searches to four general areas in Virginia, however, I have not gotten a single bite from anywhere I have applied to so far. Hence the door slamming in our face. I am most certainly glad to have B home every night now, but we both feel the stress of not knowing where we are going next. Hopefully a door will open soon.
May God smile upon us some day soon,